Friday 8 February 2013

DAY 100...

    This week in Grade 1, our class celebrated the 100th day of learning. To students in Grade 1, who are still learning to count to 100, this day can be both exciting and overwhelming. Knowing this day was coming, daily countdowns were done using adding and subtracting as a group during math time. From this, students develop the ability to count something that occurs in the real world (days of the week) as well as confidence in counting. The majority of the days curriculum activities were based upon this special day.
    One activity in particular had students working on connecting, representing and communicating basic presentations of simple math using concrete materials they brought in from home. Students brought in 100 items from home (fruit loops, smarties, straws, buttons) and were asked to create posters. Some students grouped items in 10s, others in 50s. Walking around it was easy to see which students were effective at communicating thinking visually through the poster, as well as in writing using proper mathematical language.

    This is an activity that I would definitely recommend for a grade 1 classroom. The students loved bringing in their own items and had fun displaying them for others to see all while learning at the same time! 

KNOW we are 100 days smarter!

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