Friday 6 September 2013

Parlez-vous Français?

    Music is something I have always been comfortable with – but when I heard the job I was accepting was for French I was a little nervous! Despite having a strong and common French last name, my comfort with French is not what it should be. I can get by of course, which I quickly learned during my travels in France, but teaching it was a different story. I quickly scrambled that morning to re learn my verbs, and come up with a back up plan activity in case the teacher didn’t leave much. To my surprise reviewing and watching youtube videos at 645 in the morning seemed to have triggered all the memories of elementary French. I went in with confidence to realize the French teacher had all of the students set up with work so I didn’t have to use any of my back up plans or even attempt to impress the students with my verbiage! Covereing for French, I was able to meet many different students and talk to them about their year so far. All the students were motivated and well behaved, I even played one of my favourite French games, dix, with each class 5 minutes before the bell.             Another great day! 

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