Friday 1 March 2013

Geometry Culminating, Grade 1


   In our Grade 1 class we have been working on our geometry unit intensely the past few weeks. Students have been working on identifying common two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional figures as well as classifying them by their attributes. They have done many independent and group activities to be able to recognize symmetry as well as relating shapes to other shapes. For them to become more comfortable with using mathematical language to represent and describe each shape we had them work in groups to build castles with physical blocks in the classroom.

   As a culminating task, our students created a riddle book of two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional figures. Each student chose a shape and created a riddle using a folded piece of paper. As the person who was attempting to solve the riddle unfolded, they would get another hint (attribute) of the shape. As they continued, they would have to guess the shape before it was revealed at the base of the folds. Here is an example of a students work:

   Students loved this activity and each person in each group had to choose a different shape, reporting their choice to the teacher. When the students were finished their work they were able to share with their table group. With all the completed work, we made a book for our classroom and laminated it. This was a wonderful activity and the students loved the idea of making their work into a classroom book for our library.  

Here are two links to SmartBoard geometry games that we also had the students explore:

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