Thursday 11 April 2013

Great class apps!

I discovered two great apps from a teacher friend of mine so I wanted to share them. Both are incredibly useful in numerous ways for all ages. Enjoy! 

This app can be used from a smart phone, tablet or computer. It allows the user to create and share videos. Through Educreations, students and teachers can use voice narration as well as their own hand writing to demonstrate or create presentations. One of the classes I have spent time in used it for a media literacy unit where they made commercials about a product they invented. The teacher also uses this app in her class to create lessons and projects them on her white board. The only downside is this app doesn’t allow the use to edit videos – so lots of rehearsal is needed before the recording process begins!

I love this application. In my everyday browsing, I come across so many links that I feel would be useful for upcoming lessons. With Clipix, users can organize and save web links, images and videos. Clipix also allows the user to share clippings with others. One class I spend time in used this application while doing a group project in History. Students did independent research however then met as a group and used Clipix to share their findings. 

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